Textbook of Biochemistry, 5th Edition

PowerPoint Presentations

1. Learning Biochemistry2. The Cell and Biological Membranes—Structure and Function3. Carbohydrates4. Lipids5. Amino Acids and Proteins6. Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 7. Enzymes8. Clinical Enzymology9. Fat-soluble Vitamins10. Water-Soluble Vitamins11. Biochemistry of Blood12. Hemoglobin and the Chemistry of Respiration13. Heme Synthesis and Degradation 14. Digestion and Absorption15. A Journey into Metabolism16. Central Metabolism—Biological Oxidation17. Metabolism of Carbohydrates18. Blood Glucose Homeostasis—Hormones of the Pancreas and Diabetes Mellitus 19. Metabolism of Lipids20. Metabolism of Cholesterol and Lipoproteins and the Diseases Associated with Lipid Metabolism21. Metabolism of Amino Acids – General Aspects 22. Metabolism of Individual Amino Acids and Diseases Associated with Them23. Metabolism of Nucleotides24. Integration of Metabolism25. Metabolism of Xenobiotics—Detoxification 26. Minerals27. Principles of Nutrition28. Water and Electrolytes29. Acid–Base Balance30. Organ Function Tests31. Biochemistry of Cancer32. DNA Metabolism33. RNA Metabolism 34. Protein Biosynthesis35. Regulation of Gene Expression36. Recombinant DNA Technology37. Molecular Diagnostics38. Biochemical Techniques39. Immunochemistry40. Hormone Action 41. Hypothalamic and Pituitary Hormones42. Thyroid Hormones43. Hormones of the Adrenal Gland44. Hormones of the Gonads45. Extracellular Matrix46. Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidants 47. Biochemical Genetics48. Environmental Pollutants Toxins and Biomedical Waste Management49. Human Genome Project and Bioinformatics50. Gene TherapyClick to download all documents at once

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