Microwave Engineering: Fundamentals, Design and Applications

Subal Kar

ISBN: 9788173719899 | Year: 2016 | Paperback | Pages: 856 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 1295.00

Microwave Engineering: Fundamentals, Design and Applications emphasises the basic concepts of microwave engineering, design techniques and applications of microwave engineering in a markedly different way. This inclusive approach covers the undergraduate syllabus of almost all Indian institutions where microwave engineering is taught and to some extent a part of the postgraduate curriculum too. The student-friendly nature of the book is strengthened by:  

•  CAD solutions with standard simulators used for optimal design of matching networks and filters,
•  an exclusive chapter on Waveguides and Resonators, 
•  simulation based design of microwave oscillators and amplifiers,  
•  basics of microwave measurement techniques and fundamentals of spectrum analyser and network analyser, 
•  a chapter on Radar Principle and Systems, 
•  concise coverage of EMI-EMC and microwave antennae, 
•  Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools and 3D electromagnetic field simulators used to solve a number of design problems, 
•  use of MATLAB in generating characteristic curves and solving problems, 
•  coverage of an emerging topic of microwave engineering—metamaterials,
•  review questions that help in self-assessment, and 
• ‘recapitulation’ that serves to reinforce the fundamentals contained in the chapter.
For additional material, please visit http://www.universitiespress.com/subalkar/mwe

Subal Kar is Professor and Ex-Head of the Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta. His fields of specialisation cover microwave and millimetre-wave devices and circuits, metamaterials, THz imaging, optical communication and high energy physics. He has published a large number of research papers in international journals and has three patents to his credit. Dr Kar received the Young Scientist Award of URSI and IEEE MTT as well as the Fulbright Award of the US Government. He is a Fulbright Fellow, Senior Member of IEEE, Fellow of IETE, and Fellow VEDA Society.


Chapter 1 Introduction  
Chapter 2 Electromagnetics Revisited 
Chapter 3 High Frequency Behaviour of Transmission Lines 
Chapter 4 Guided Structures: Waveguides and Cavity Resonators 
Chapter 5 Microwave Network and Scattering Matrix 
Chapter 6 Microwave Passive Circuit Components 
Chapter 7 Impedance Matching in Transmission Lines and Waveguides
Chapter 8 Microwave Filters
Chapter 9 Microwave Active Devices: Oscillators, Amplifiers and Power Combiners
Chapter 10 Microwave Antennae and Wave Propagation
Chapter 11 Radar Principle and Systems
Chapter 12 Microwave Measurement Techniques
Chapter 13 Microwave Integrated Circuit 
Chapter 14 Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 
Chapter 15 An Emerging Topic of Microwave Engineering: Metamaterials/Left-Handed Material (LHM) 
Chapter 16 Applications of Microwave Engineering 
Appendix I Z, Y, ABCD and S-parameters and their Interrelations 
Appendix II Ferrites and Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Magnetised Ferrite Medium 
Appendix III MATLAB Programs 
Appendix IV Computational Electromagnetics (CEM) and Simulators 
Appendix V Useful Formulae and Tables for Microwave Engineering 
Further Reading 
