Nursing Research and Statistics

Anurag Bhai Patidar

ISBN: 9788173719790 | Year: 2015 | Paperback | Pages: 424 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 725.00

This book provides step-by-step instructions how to undertake and execute a research project and how to use statistics and statistical tools to analyse and interpret the findings of the project. With complete coverage of the Nursing syllabus for this subject, this book includes real-life examples tailored to the Indian context. Simple language, tables, graphs and examples help students grasp the main concepts and principles of research and statistics. The book also provides self-evaluation questions to enable students to check their understanding of the subject. Distribution and probability tables are given for easy reference. Previous years’ questions papers enhance this book’s exam-oriented approach.

Online resources such as lecture slides are available at

Anurag Bhai Patidar is Lecturer at Bhopal Nursing College, Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Centre (Under Indian Council of Medical Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India).




Chapter 1: Research and the Research Process

Introduction to Nursing Research

Need for Nursing Research

Definition of Research and Nursing Research

Methods of Acquiring Knowledge: Problem-solving and the Scientific Method

Characteristics of Good Research

Evolution of Nursing Research in the West—Important Dates

Evolution of Nursing Research in India—Important Dates

Concept of Evidence-based Nursing Practice

Ethics in Nursing Research

Research Process: Quantitative Research

Research Process: Qualitative Research

Chapter 2: Research Problem/Question

Definition of Terms

Introduction to Research Problems

Identification of the Research Problem

Sources of Research Problems

Characteristics of a Good Problem Statement

Evaluation of the Research Problem

Research Question

Research Objectives

Research Variables


Limitations and Delimitations


Characteristics of a Good Hypothesis

Types of Hypotheses

Hypothesis Testing

Errors in Hypothesis Testing

Chapter 3: Review of Literature

Introduction to Review of Literature

Definition of Literature Review

Purpose of Literature Review

Sources of Literature Review

Electronic Sources

Printed Sources

Reviewing Literature

Review Format

Chapter 4: Research Approaches and Designs

Introduction to Research Approach/Design

Definitions of Research Design

Factors Influencing Selection of Design

Research Approaches

Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research

Mixed Methods Approach/Pragmatic Approach

Participatory Approach/Action Research

Research Designs

Quantitative Research Designs

Qualitative Research Designs

Other Research Designs

Chapter 5: Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Introduction to Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms

Characteristics of Theories

Significance of Theory

Common Concepts in Nursing Theory

Theory, Research and Practice Relationship

Classification of Theories

Conceptual Model/Framework/Schemes

Selecting the Appropriate Conceptual Framework

Criteria for Evaluating Conceptual Models/Frameworks

Systems Theory as a Framework

Criticisms of Nursing Theories

Chapter 6: Sampling Techniques

Need for a Sample

Characteristics of a Good Sample

Definition of Key Terms

Factors Influencing the Sampling Process

Process of Sampling

Types of Sampling Techniques

Probability Sampling Techniques

Non-probability Sampling Techniques

Sampling Errors

Chapter 7: Data Collection Tools and Techniques

Introduction to Data Collection

Developing the Data Collection Plan





Projective Techniques

Q Sorts

Bio-physiological Methods

Pilot Study

Data Collection Procedure

Chapter 8: Analysis of Data

Introduction to Data Analysis

Classification of Data

Organisation of Data

Tabulation of Data

Graphical Presentation of Data

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Chapter 9: Communication and Utilisation of Research

Introduction to Communication of Findings

How to Communicate Research Findings?

Disseminating Research Results at Conferences

Presenting a research poster

Publishing a Journal Article

Research Utilisation

Barriers to Research Utilisation

Facilitators of Research Utilisation

Innovation Diffusion Model

Chapter 10: Critiquing Research Articles/Reports

Introduction to Critiquing Research Articles

Definition of terms

Steps in Quantitative Research Critiquing

Steps in Qualitative Research Critiquing

Chapter 11: Research Proposals

Introduction to Research Proposals

Types of Proposals

Writing a Research Proposal

Budget Plan

Action Plan

Final Proof Reading and Editing

Common Reasons for Proposal Rejection


Chapter 12: Introduction to Statistics


Basic Statistical Terminology

Types of Statistical Methods

Application and Scope of Statistics in Health

Vital Health Statistics

Types and Levels of Data and their Measurement

Chapter 13: Measures of Central Tendency

Introduction to Measures of Central Tendency

Mean (Arithmetic)



Selecting the Appropriate Measure of Central Tendency

Position of Measures of Central Tendency

Chapter 14: Measures of Variability

Introduction to Measures of Variability


Interquartile Range


Standard Deviation

Choosing the Appropriate Measure of Variability

Chapter 15: Measures of Relationship

Correlation: Meaning and Need

Scatter Diagram Method

Types of Correlation

Correlation Statistics

Simple Linear Regression

Chapter 16: Parametric and Non-parametric Tests

Introduction to Parametric and Non-parametric Tests

Parametric Tests



Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)


Non-Parametric Tests

Chi-square Test

Sign Test

Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test

Mood’s Median Test

McNemar’s Test

Mann–Whitney U Test

Fisher’s Exact Test

Kruskal–Wallis Test

Chapter 17: Use of Computers for Data Analysis

Introduction to Computers

Use of Computers in Statistics

Statistical Packages for Quantitative Research



Microsoft Office Excel

Statistical Packages for Qualitative Research

Advantages of Statistical Packages

Disadvantages of Statistical Packages


Model Question Papers


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