Utilisation of Electric Energy in SI Units

E Openshaw Taylor

ISBN: 9788173717000 | Year: 2009 | Paperback | Pages: 392 | Language : English

Book Size: 158 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: Restricted

Price: 775.00

This book covers the whole range of the more useful applications of electrical energy in a single volume, suitable for the student or for the general engineer who has not had the occasion to specialise in any particular branch of the subject.

Taylor, E. O.

Editor’s Introduction
Preface to SI Edition
Introductory Chapter on SI Units
Tables-SI Units-Names and Symbols
Symbols and Abbreviations
Chapter I Electric Drive (Excluding Tractions)
Chapter 2 Electric Traction
Chapter 3: Heating and Welding
Chapter 4: Electrolyting Processes
Chapter 5: Illuminating Engineering
Chapter 6: Economic Aspects of Utilising Electrical Energy
Appendix-Regulation and Specifications
Answers to Questions

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