Science 366: A Chronicle of Science and Technology

Biman Basu

ISBN: 9788173716072 | Year: 2008 | Paperback | Pages: 712 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 2160.00

Dates have an important place in our lives – not only are they historical occasions that we observe every year but they are also milestones to measure our growth in age, prosperity and wisdom. Therefore, dates in the scientific field can be used as a measure of progress in our quest for the unknown – dates when some important scientific discovery was made or some famous scientist was born. There are also dates that mark important breakthroughs in our understanding of the universe around us – new discoveries and new inventions that have changed our life.

This book can be considered a diary of scientific events – both Indian and international – including dates related to scientists and their works; inventors and their inventions; scientific organisations; and important scientific occurrences.

The entries are arranged chronologically. An entry for the date of birth of a scientist or inventor gives a brief biography of the person, while an entry for the date of founding or inauguration of a scientific institution gives a brief summary of the activities and achievements of the institution. All the entries are cross-referenced for easy navigation.

Biman Basu was formerly editor of Science Reporter published by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi. He was also a Science Correspondent for All India Radio.
