Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Dilip K Roy

ISBN: 9788173714948 | Year: 2004 | Paperback | Pages: 488 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: WORLD

Price: 1050.00

Physics of Semiconductor Devices is a comprehensive, up-to-date text providing a lucid perspective of the important concepts and applications of semiconductor devices. The book emphasises a logical development of the subject and maintains a rigour in the analytical discussions. A description of the quantum mechanical tunnel effect on the principles of quantum measurement and observations is also presented, along with a discussion of its application in the analysis of I-V characteristics of tunnel devices.

In this revised edition, the basic outline of the book and its underlying philosophy remain unchanged. The discussions on “quantum mechanical tunnelling” have been updated. Most of the problems in the first edition have been retained and a large number of problems have been added both as solved examples and as unsolved exercises.

Dilip Kumar Roy has taught and guided research at IIT, Delhi since 1967. His research was done at Semiconductor Research Institute, Tohoku University, Japan. He was a resident visitor at the A.T.& T Bell Laboratories, USA as a Rotary Foundation Fellow in 1986 and he was a visiting fellow of the Indian National Science Academy at the Institute of Microelectronic Technology and Superpure Materials, USSR in 1989. He taught at Egerton University, Kenya during 1989-91 and at the Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research, University of Malaya, Malaysia during 1996-2000. Presently, he is a Professor of Electronics and Communications at the Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon.

Preface to the Second Edition / Preface / Acknowledgements / List of Symbols / SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS - Energy bands; Electrons and holes; Mobility and diffusivity; Intrinsic semiconductor; Doped semiconductor; Temperature dependence of the semiconductor conductivity; Carrier lifetime; Recombination of electrons and holes through traps: Shockely-Read-Hall theory; Optical properties of semiconductors; Gunn effect; Low dimensional quantum phenomena / PHYSICS OF pn JUNCTIONS - pn homojunctions; Semiconductor heterojunctions; pn Diode equation; A. C. behaviour of pn diodes; Transient response of a pn diode; Solar cells; Light emitting diodes (LEDs) ; Laser diodes; Impact avalanche and transit time (IMPATT) diodes; Other configuration of pn diodes; Circuit applications of pn diodes / TRANSISTORS PHYSICS - Basic functions of a transistor; Early effect and transistor characteristics; Low-frequency transistor equivalent circuiting; High-frequency transistor behaviour; Graded base transistors; Field-effect transistors; Phototransistor; Unijunction transistor; The four layer pn device; Typical transistor application applications / METAL-SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES - Metal-vacuum boundary: Schottky effect; Metal-semiconductor boundary: Ohmic contact; Current transport across a metal-semiconductor boundary; Metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) system; Metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MESFET) ; Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) ; Charge coupled devices (CCDs) / SEMICONDUCTOR TUNNEL DEVICES - Tunnelling from the point of view of quantum measurement; Analysis of the tunnel effect; Heavy-doping effects; Tunnel diodes; Backward and Zener diodes; Metal -insulator-semiconductor-switch (MISS) diode; Tunnel devices of different types; Tunnel diode application; Appendices / Index

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