This book is designed to serve as a textbook for undergraduate students of maths, physics, physical chemistry, engineering, etc. throughout India. There is rigorous coverage of the theory and a number of application-oriented problems drawn from various disciplines such as science, medicine, economics and agriculture. It also contains a large number of worked examples besides exercises and answers. One chapter is devoted to numerical techniques to solve differential equations in which computer programs and printouts of worked examples are included.
Preface Basic Concepts Differential Equation of First Order and First DegreeDifferential Equations of First Order and Higher DegreeOrthogonal TrajectoriesHigher Order Linear Differential Equations (with constant coefficients)Cauchy-Euler Differential EquationsSimultaneous Differential Equations (in two variables with constant coefficients)Second Order Differential Equations with Variable CoefficientsPower Series Solutions of Different EquationsLegendre’s Equation and PolynomialsBessel’s Differential EquationTotal Differential EquationsSimulation Total Differential EquationsLaplace TransformsFourier SeriesNumerical Solution of Differential Equations Answers to ExercisesBibliographyIndex