Mathematical Olympiad Challenges (Second Edition)

Titu Andreescu and Räzvan Gelca

ISBN: 9788132214854 | Year: 2014 | Paperback | Pages: 304 | Language : English

Book Size: 216 x 280 mm | Territorial Rights: Restricted

Price: 1025.00

This is a rich collection of problems put together by two experienced and well-known professors of the US International Mathematical Olympiad Team. Hundreds of beautiful, challenging and instructive problems from algebra, geometry, trigonometry, combinatorics and number theory are clustered by topic into self-contained sections with solutions provided separately. All sections start with an essay discussing basic facts and one or two representative examples. A list of carefully chosen problems follows. Additionally, historical insights and asides are presented to stimulate further inquiry. The emphasis throughout is on encouraging readers to move away from routine exercises and memorised algorithms toward creative solutions to open-ended problems.

Titu Andreescu is Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Texas, Dallas.

Razvan Gelca is Professor of Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University.

Part I: Problems
Chapter 1: Geometry and Trigonometry
Chapter 2: Algebra and Analysis
Chapter 3: Number Theory and Combinatorics

Part II: Solutions
Chapter 1: Geometry and Trigonometry
Chapter 2: Algebra and Analysis
Chapter 3: Number Theory and Combinatorics
Appendix A: Definitions and Notation
