Elliptic Partial Differential Equations

Qing Han

ISBN: 9781470437428 | Year: 2017 | Paperback | Pages: 160 | Language : English

Book Size: 158 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: Restricted

Price: 1355.00

This volume is based on PDE courses given by the authors at the Courant Institute and at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. Presented are basic methods for obtaining various a priori estimates for second order equations of elliptic type with particular emphasis on maximal principles, Harnack inequalities, and their applications. The equations considered in the book are linear; however, the presented methods also apply to nonlinear problems.

This second edition has been thoroughly revised and in a new chapter the authors discuss several methods for proving the existence of solutions of primarily the Dirichlet problem for various types of elliptic equations.

Qing Han: University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN,

Fanghua Lin: Courant Institute, New York University, New York, NY
