Probability: The Science of Uncertainty: with Applications to Investments, Insurance, and Engineering

Michael A Bean

ISBN: 9780821891773 | Year: 2012 | Paperback | Pages: 464 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: Restricted

Price: 1775.00

This book covers the basic probability of distributions with an emphasis on applications from the areas of investments, insurance, and engineering. Written by a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society and the Society of Actuaries with many years of experience as a university professor and industry practitioner, the book is suitable as a text for senior undergraduate and beginning graduate students in mathematics, statistics, actuarial science, finance, or engineering as well as a reference for practitioners in these fields. The book is particularly well suited for students preparing for professional exams, and for several years it has been recommended as a textbook on the syllabus of examinations for the Casualty Actuarial Society and the Society of Actuaries. In addition to covering the standard topics and probability distributions, this book includes separate sections on more specialized topics such as mixtures and compound distributions, distributions of transformations, and the application of specialized distributions such as the Pareto, beta, and Weibull. The book also has a number of unique features such as a detailed description of the celebrated Markowitz investment portfolio selection model. A separate section contains information on how graphs of the specific distributions studied in the book can be created using MathematicaTM. The book includes a large number of problems of varying difficulty. A student manual with solutions to selected problems is available electronically from the ‘Solutions Manual’ link above. An instructor’s manual for this title is available electronically. Please send email to for more information.

Michael A. Bean

     What Is Probability?
     How Is Uncertainty Quantified?
     Probability in Engineering and the Sciences
     What Is Actuarial Science?
     What Is Financial Engineering?
     Interpretations of Probability
     Probability Modeling in Practice
     Outline of This Book
     Chapter Summary
     Further Reading

A Survey of Some Basic Concepts Through Examples
     Payoff in a Simple Game
     Choosing Between Payoffs
     Future Lifetimes
     Simple and Compound Growth
     Chapter Summary

Classical Probability
     The Formal Language of Classical Probability
     Conditional Probability
     The Law of Total Probability
     Bayes’ Theorem
     Chapter Summary

     Appendix on Sets, Combinatorics, and Basic Probability Rules

Random Variables and Probability Distributions
     Definitions and Basic Properties

           What Is a Random Variable?
           What Is a Probability Distribution?
           Types of Distributions
           Probability Mass Functions
           Probability Density Functions
           Mixed Distributions
           Equality and Equivalence of Random Variables
           Random Vectors and Bivariate Distributions
           Dependence and Independence of Random Variables
           The Law of Total Probability and Bayes’ Theorem (Distributional Forms)
           Arithmetic Operations on Random Variables
           The Difference Between Sums and Mixtures
     Statistical Measures of Expectation, Variation, and Risk
           Deviation from Expectation
           Higher Moments

     Alternative Ways of Specifying Probability Distributions
          Moment and Cumulant Generating Functions
          Survival and Hazard Functions
     Chapter Summary
     Additional Exercises
     Appendix on Generalized Density Functions (Optional)

Special Discrete Distributions
     The Binomial Distribution
     The Poisson Distribution
     The Negative Binomial Distribution
     The Geometric Distribution

Special Continuous Distributions
     Special Continuous Distributions for Modeling Uncertain Sizes
           The Exponential Distribution
           The Gamma Distribution
           The Pareto Distribution
     Special Continuous Distributions for Modeling Lifetimes
           The Weibull Distribution
           The DeMoivre Distribution
     Other Special Distributions
           The Normal Distribution
           The Lognormal Distribution
           The Beta Distribution

Transformations of Random Variables
     Determining the Distribution of a Transformed Random Variable
     Expectation of a Transformed Random Variable
     Insurance Contracts with Caps, Deductibles, and Coinsurance (Optional)
     Life Insurance and Annuity Contracts (Optional)
     Reliability of Systems with Multiple Components or Processes (Optional)
     Trigonometric Transformations (Optional)

Sums and Products of Random Variables
     Techniques for Calculating the Distribution of a Sum
           Using the Joint Density
           Using the Law of Total Probability
     Distributions of Products and Quotients
     Expectations of Sums and Products
           Formulas for the Expectation of a Sum or Product
           The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
           Covariance and Correlation
     The Law of Large Numbers
           Motivating Example: Premium Determination in Insurance

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