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Finite Element Analysis for Engineering & Technology

Tirupathi R Chandrupatla

ISBN: 9788173714276 | Year: 2003 | Paperback | Pages: 268 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: WORLD

Price: 850.00

Computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools are finding increasingly wider application in the solution of engineering problems. Finite element analysis (FEA) is an important tool in the CAE toolbox. From a predominantly post-graduate level status, FEA became an integral part of third/fourth year level engineering programs in colleges in the late eighties. The new century brings in the need for introducing FEA even earlier—in the second year of engineering and technology programs. The need for trained personnel will require education at a level that is not catered for by available books. The purpose of this book is to introduce the subject of finite element analysis to fulfill this need. Pedagogical features: Direct approach used in the development of FEA, Over 170 illustrations provided to crystallize concepts, Problem formulation and modeling emphasized in all chapters, Examples and problems integrated throughout, Computer program source codes in BASIC, FORTRAN, C, Visual Basic, Visual Basic Excel, MATLAB, and Java included in the CD.

Basic Concepts / Matrices and Matrix Operations / One-Dimensional Bar Problems / Analogous Problem in One Dimension / Trusses / Two-Dimensional Stress and Deformation Analysis Using Constant Strain Triangles / Two-Dimensional Heat Transfer Using Three Node Triangular Elements / Beams / Plane Frames and Grids / Mesh Generation and Plotting Considerations / Higher Order Elements and Other Topics / Index

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