Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses, Third Edition

Erach Bharucha

ISBN: 9789389211788 | Year: 2021 | Paperback | Pages: 288 | Language : English

Book Size: 180 x 240 mm | Territorial Rights: World

Price: 375.00

For a decade and a half, this book has been considered the most reliable textbook on the subject for all undergraduate students. This third edition has been revised as per the new AECC syllabus set down by the UGC and has been made extremely user-friendly. The aim of this edition is not only to create an awareness of environmental issues, but also to bring about pro-environmental action.

The new, two-colour design of this edition will appeal to students and aid in reading and retention. The unique feature of this textbook is the accompanying App containing additional questions, colour pictures and video lectures.

Dr Erach Bharucha is Director, Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Environment Education and Research, Pune. He has been engaged actively in implementing a variety of environmental education programmes for schools and colleges. He has been associated with the NCERT, SCERT and UGC to further the cause of formal environmental education and is a passionate crusader for the well-being of the environment.

Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the First Edition

  1. Introduction to Environmental Studies
  2. Ecosystems
  3. Natural Resources: Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources
  4. Biodiversity and Conservation
  5. Environmental Pollution
  6. Environmental Policies and Practices
  7. Human Communities and the Environment
  8. Field Work

